Let's Play Home
Its what you do. Create virutal reality athletes. Generate a game- pick three thing, make a game, like Pool Hula-tag. Sounds like fun.

Connecticut's Team Nutrition
Rate your plate game. Can you create a balanced meal. Give it a try.

'Betchacant' do 15 arm curls with your school book! Do you know what a ladyfinger is? Visit kidnetic for challenges and questions such as these.

Nutrition Cafe
A joint endeavor of the Pacific Science Center and the Washington State Dairy Council. Play Nutrition Sleuth where you use the clues to find the missing nutrient, or Grab-A-Grape, a Jeopardy trivia type game.

Nutrition Explorations
Feed the monster, become a Breakfast Detective and answer a few food riddles at the National Dairy Council web-site.

Zip 4 Tweens
Play a round of Burger Boggle and test your language and nutrition skills at the same time.

Chiquita Kids
Go bananas for these fun activities, including Where is Miss Chiquita? Just click on Family Fun to get started.

Test your skills playing a variety of fruit themed games.

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