Make sure your goal has four keys to a good goal:
G - going to do - in other words, something you are going to add to your life, not subtract. If it's a bad habit like nail-biting that you want to break, then word the goal as, "I will chew sugarless gum instead of biting my nails." Get the idea? Be positive.
O - on target - when you're aiming for the target, you want to hit the bullseye. Make sure you're specific. Saying that "you want to eat better" is too general. Instead, try saying, "I will eat an apple every day."
A - attainable - can you actually achieve your minor goal, and do so in a reasonable amount of time? Make sure, or you will get discouraged.
L - link your goals - make sure your minor goal will help you reach your major goal. Drinking more juice each day will not help you to make the cheerleading team.